Archive | July, 2012

Asymmetry and Mild Ptosis PART 2

1 Jul

Ok so if you read my previous post you would have notice I’ve been trying out facial exercise to improve my facial symmetry and mild (what seems to be) ptosis.

Update: Since I last posted I have noticed much better symmetry. My face has moved up and my upper eyelid opens a bit wider (still not as much as the right eye but it’s a major improvement). I have limited the exercises to just under eyelid holds as I realised that’s all I need (though you might find other exercises that work for you). I took a picture this morning just to see how I looked and this time I didn’t flinch as I saw the result…My face is looking much more symmetrical. It almost seems too good to be true, so I don’t recommend anyone does these facial exercises until I’ve done them for about 2 months or so, until I’ve done it so I can let you know whether they’re worth it or not! For now I’m holding my breath…