How to cure IBS naturally in 10 steps!

13 Mar


I suspect you’ve come to this page bankrupt, tired, exhausted, stressed, weary, hopeless… well don’t be…because I am here to tell you to relax…don’t be scared…whatever is going on, you are going to be ok.. I promise 🙂

You can cure IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) IBD (irritable bowel disease) (maybe even Chron’s but I’m not experienced in that) naturally and easily at home with no drugs no medications, no more doctors, no more suffering. No this is not a joke, there is nothing to buy or pay, no pills or herbs to take…just my simple experience which I hope and pray will benefit you…

For the past 3 years I have had what’s known as IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome). No it’s not pretty and not something you really want to share with the whole world, but because my Creator was so kind in granting me this relief, that I feel I must share with everyone else who might be suffering. I am not saying what I am about to share with you will also heal you, but what I am saying is there is always hope that you will get better… you just have to fully trust the All-Knowing and All-Powerful Creator of this universe. He has designed our bodies with the ability to fix and repair themselves, and we needn’t worry when doctors and physicians despondently say “there is no cure…only management of symptoms”…of course, they need to say that, otherwise they’ll be out of a job!

To begin, I had the usual symptoms of IBS, intermittent diarrhoea and constipation (mostly diarrhoea, immediately after I’d eaten anything), terrible cramps, bloating, weight loss (because nothing was staying in me) and terrible, hot (sometimes painful) gas.

I carried on with my life for the next 2 years, just thinking I would have to live with whatever I had but always having hope that one day I would be cured. I never went down the conventional treatment road as it was just too embarrassing for me to talk about to anyone. I searched and searched the internet, trawling through blogs, coming across websites that always want to sell you the latest book or herbs for healing… I tried ’good bacteria’ supplements, the FODMAPS diet, Candida diet, Atkins diet…the last two helped but were impossible to stick to! No one was giving me any clear answers. So I realised I could not trust these money makers and had to trust the One who Created me and my body.

Last year, I began to get the sense that the Supreme Intelligence was leading me down a healing road and that I would have to start listening to my body to get the answers. Firstly, what I learned was that IBS, in fact all diseases of the body, are a result of inflammation. Imagine you had a burn or wound on your arm…would you want anything irritating it? No. You try to keep any irritants as far as possible from it. I believe it is the same thing with the gut. Something irritates the gut, causing inflammation. Food (irritating or not) that then passes through that irritated part of the gut irritates it further, and your body, in all its wisdom, contracts and pulsates the intestines to get that irritant away from you as quickly as possible, hence diarrhoea. With a cut, you wait for it to heal before anything touches it, and this is the same with the gut. It needs to heal before food keeps getting passed through it. Best ways to do this are avoid irritating foods in the first place (showed below), eat less (to allow slower transit of food through the gut and therefore give gut chance to heal before being irritated again. It doesn’t matter if food does pass through before the gut is fully healed, but just allow the rate at which your gut is healing to be quicker than the irritation occurring) and eat diuretic foods to suck water from gut (inflammation needs water, so suck the water out and inflammation decreases). With constipation, I believe because many foods we eat are dehydrated and fibreless (i.e. processed products), digested waste is not passing quick enough through our digestive tract, and the simplest way to remedy this is to eat more fibre in the form of fruits and veg, among other things. These simple explanations have taken me months of suffering to figure out and now my IBS is finally under control and I can live again!

What I did:

1. Cut out pasteurised/homogenised dairy products– I realised that about half an hour after consuming it I would get terrible bloating, diarrhoea and gas. I switched to raw dairy products, and instead can drink gallons of the stuff without any side effects. I think it may be something to do with the proteins because I am fine with pasteurised butter. It could however, also be something to do with the lack of enzymes…milk contains lactose (milk sugar) and needs lactase (milk sugar digesting enzyme) present. When heated, this enzyme is destroyed, hence the milk becomes indigestible and you get a whole bunch of people suffering from ‘lactose intolerance’ aka ‘pasteurised and homogenised milk’ intolerant.

2. Cut out legumes– i.e. chickpeas, lentils, beans, peanuts (yes they are legumes)- I would get terrible gas from these. I suspect it might be something to do with the proteins in them or the way they are prepared. Either way I have had instant relief.

3. Cut out bananas– they give me bad gas and bloating. Perhaps the protein inside them, or the artificial enzymes used to stimulate their ripening. Not sure, but either way I don’t get on with them.

4. Cut out coffee– I used to drink a LOT of coffee and because my life was so fast paced, didn’t realise that within 15 minutes of drinking it I would have the terrible urge to splurge (sorry, disgusting I know, but true). Once I slowed down and stopped worrying so much I began to take notice and see things clearer. Coffee stimulates peristalsis (movement of intestines), pushing whatever poop you have inside you out…quickly.

5. Consume less liquids– we’re always told “drink 8 glasses a day or you might die of dehydration” but this is a myth. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest this, and it seems as though this figure was simply plucked out of the air. The art and science of drinking water is very simple: only drink when you’re thirsty 🙂 I promise you you won’t die 😉 Your intestines are there partly to extract water and transfer it to the rest of the body. If you have a lot of water floating around your body, your intestines simply won’t see a need in extracting any water from your intestines, hence diarheoa (poop full of water). Also, if your bowel is inflamed, remember inflammation needs water to survive, so lower the water and you lower the inflammation.

6. Consume less food– as with above, you don’t need to have 3 large meals a day, or 5 small ones without, just eat when you’re hungry…once again I promise you won’t die 🙂  If your putting food into your intestines at a faster rate than they can deal with, of course the poop is going to be pushed out once again before its ready, i.e. diarhoeoa.

7. Eat fresh fruit and veg. The potassium and fibre content will help prevent constipation. Don’t worry about FODMAPS or any of this indigestible or fermentable carb nonsense. Just eat everything in moderation and above all, don’t worry.

8. Consume less mono and saturated fat– even good fats such as olive oil and butter should be consumed in moderation. Excessive bile can be irritating to the intestine lining, and fat stimulates bile production. So still consume it but don’t go overboard. Nuts are fine.

9. Consume raw honey– pasteurised honey actually triggered it for me but unpasteurised, natural honey is better. Although it stimulates peristalsis, it also causes osmosis (sucks out water) so you might need to go to the toilet a little while after you’ve consumed it but my stools are usually perfectly formed. And as I say, consume in moderation.

10. Squatting- No, not leg squats, I mean toilet squatting. What is she on about?  I hear you say…Well, I read an interesting article which stated the benefits of returning to our natural position to empty our bowels, and it made so much sense: Now I squat when on the toilet and no longer strain or have constipation…EVER! Because I have a “modern” toilet as most people do, I stand on the toilet seat (cleaned beforehand of course!) and squat. I’m quite agile so I could do it immediately, but it might take a little getting used to for others whose balance is not so great. It’s also difficult to do it outside of your own house, but when you’re at home it’s best to squat when you can.

And that’s it. The most important thing I learned is not to worry or stress. IBS can create a vicious cycle, where you are stressed and therefore eat, and then become stressed because you’ve eaten. I’ve been there. I would deny myself so many things I loved and then binge because I felt like I was missing out. Then I would become stressed and have another IBS attack and the cycle seemed never ending. Until I broke the cycle. Now I avoid the things above and eat and drink when I’m hungry/thirsty without worrying. I realised that if I’m feeling low or stressed, I shouldn’t seek comfort in food. I began to read more and do stuff I love, like gardening, painting, being in nature etc. I realised that BIG PHARMA bases their foundation on fear, but God’s way is through hope and trust. I don’t worry anymore about anything…I know it is all mind over matter and that God will help me through anything.

-What I eat now:


*Eggs- not too many though as they can cause constipation. I have about 2 or 3 a week.

*Vegetables- cook/steam them properly…soft but still full of colour and vitality. Undercooked veg can give you gas if your digestive system is weak already.

*Fruits (especially dates. Low water content/less chance of diarrhoea but high potassium/less chance of constipation. Perfect!)

*Unpasteurised cheeses

*Unpasteurised dairy, cow, goat and buffalo milk

*Fats- in moderation (olive oil, butter, raw cream and nuts (soaked, not roasted) except peanuts (which are legumes))

*Dark chocolate- The darker the better, but in moderation as it contains a lot of fat. Avoid milk chocolate as it contains pasteurised, homogenised milk proteins. White chocolate is also ok, but moderation is key 🙂

You can make soups, and salads with fish and cheeses and I love poached apples and pears with a sprinkling of cinnamon. You can also drink raw milk to your hearts content.

Here are some handy tips on if you’re suffering from a diarrhoea or constipation attack:


*Eat a spoonful of raw honey- it will suck water out of your body

*Have a cup of herbal tea with high tannin content- tannins are drying agents in certain teas which suck water out of your body. I find Twinnings Raspberry tea works the best, but also normal English tea does the trick. Too much can give you a dry throat though so use when needed. Also, milk balances out the drying effect on the throat.

*Eat some rocket lettuce or dandelion greens- diuretic actions, so suck water out of the body.


*Increase potassium- i.e. eat some fruit (especially dates)

*Drink a glass of honey mixed in water (stimulates peristalsis without drying up intestines)

*Parsley salad- A substance in parsley gets things moving! (Type in “tabouleh salad” for a nice recipe)

*Remember…whatever causes diarrhoea must relieve constipation and vice versa.

-Since my health journey, I have also changed certain things, which did not affect my IBS but have improved my health manifestly, which I will share with you:

*I have cut out refined sugar. The only sugar I consume is in dark chocolate, which is usually unrefined sugar, and a low amount. I now have tonnes of energy and no slumps or crashes midday!

*Fasting- dry fasting (no food or water) from sunrise to sunset a couple of days a week. Sucks out water from your body and therefore decreases inflammation.

*No refined/processed foods- whole foods only and I try to make everything from scratch

*Cut out fruit juices- I prefer to eat the whole fruit with all its fibre- lower blood sugar spike and fills you up more.

*Absolutely no fizzy drinks

*Cook/prepare/eat things properly. If they didn’t do it 200 years ago, don’t do it. For example, soak your nuts, eat cooked rice not puffed rice crackers/cakes (gives bad gas), don’t eat unripe fruit (bloating!) etc…steam hard to digest veg such as those in the cruciferous family (cabbage, broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts)

*No sweets

*Rock or Sea salt— Helps to increase hydrochloric acid production in stomach, therefore making digestion easier for your intestines…no table salt (poison!)

*No wheat— research ‘Wheat Belly’

*No artificial flavours, sweeteners or preservatives

*No tap water- filtered or bottled water

My most important advice is, and I can’t tell you enough, is do not stress or worry because it will all be ok…God is watching over you and looking after you whether you’re aware of His existence or not…I promise 🙂  Experiment with different foods, give yourself a few hours to see how you react before eating something else…if you have a bad reaction, don’t be hard on yourself and don’t blame yourself. If you binge, don’t punish yourself….just resolve that you will avoid those foods and start afresh. Your body is a miracle and can keep renewing itself if you give it the right input… If you have any questions or worries please feel free to contact me and I will do my best to help and advise you when I can. Also feel free to let me know about your journey and any tips you’ve uncovered that might help others.

Remember, BIG PHARMA and other evil institutions thrive on your fear…but your Creator calls you to have hope and trust in Him. Unwind with candles, pray and ask God’s forgiveness for anything you feel guilty about, in turn forgive others for hurting you, repair family relationships, go out into nature to remind yourself you are part of the beauty of this world, breathe in the beautiful fragrances, admire the colours and flowers dancing gracefully in the wind, listen to the orchestrated wonders of birds, rustling of leaves… Be full of hope…There are many wisdoms as to why we become ill, so try to think of those…I know mine were that I became more trustful of God, more understanding of the way my body works, less fearful of disease and illness and more in touch with natural healing…these may be yours too or there may be others… reflect…listen to your body, intuition and feeling…your innate, God-given wisdom…everyone has it, you just have to listen…

Ella xxx

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