Archive | June, 2013

Apologies! Update March 2014

25 Jun

Hi everyone!beauty

I apologise for not updating my blog, but I’ve been extremely busy lately! Please check out the comments below as I have just responded to everyone’s questions and there may be some fresh info that I hadn’t included in the blogs that may be useful for you.

I hope everyone’s journey is going well and I’d love to hear your progress. I’m here to answer anyone’s questions and will reply as soon as I can 🙂


My eyes are now symmetrical most of the time. What I have found to be the most important technique, and the only one I now use, is to smile widely on the lazy side of my face so that the side of my droopy eye creases. Basically a more sincere smile! It has now become second nature, I don’t even notice it. Also, to decrease puffiness I have switched to rock/sea salt as this decreases water retention, making my face, essentially, less fat. Sometimes I wake up with a lazy eye but usually after a bad night sleep. I simply remedy this by smiling more widely on that side of my face during the day and it fixes. However even when this does happen, I don’t seem to care so much. I guess because I have become more true to myself by doing things I enjoy, such as gardening, reading, painting, praying, aromatherapy, appreciating the moment, being kinder to people and nature, eating healthily, dedicating my life to the service of our Creator and helping others etc.. I have focused less time and attention on my looks and more on my soul, and I am so much happier for it! I don’t care whether people think I’m pretty or ugly, or symmetrical or whatever. I don’t fear people’s judgments on my looks anymore, because I have realised that their judgments cannot change who I am. I kind of just want to have a lovely spirit that people are drawn to 🙂

The most important thing I can say right now to everyone is to really love yourself no matter what, and focus on beautifying your soul and I swear people don’t notice your outer appearance…though I know this can be difficult when you don’t feel confident. So try these exercises, but if they fail, then please do NOT opt for surgery, and instead become the most beautiful soul you could possibly be….do what you love doing, ground yourself in what makes you happy and watch people become mesmerised by your positivity and radiance! I promise, it works.

Much love and peace and happiness, forever

Ella xxx