Apologies! Update March 2014

25 Jun

Hi everyone!beauty

I apologise for not updating my blog, but I’ve been extremely busy lately! Please check out the comments below as I have just responded to everyone’s questions and there may be some fresh info that I hadn’t included in the blogs that may be useful for you.

I hope everyone’s journey is going well and I’d love to hear your progress. I’m here to answer anyone’s questions and will reply as soon as I can 🙂


My eyes are now symmetrical most of the time. What I have found to be the most important technique, and the only one I now use, is to smile widely on the lazy side of my face so that the side of my droopy eye creases. Basically a more sincere smile! It has now become second nature, I don’t even notice it. Also, to decrease puffiness I have switched to rock/sea salt as this decreases water retention, making my face, essentially, less fat. Sometimes I wake up with a lazy eye but usually after a bad night sleep. I simply remedy this by smiling more widely on that side of my face during the day and it fixes. However even when this does happen, I don’t seem to care so much. I guess because I have become more true to myself by doing things I enjoy, such as gardening, reading, painting, praying, aromatherapy, appreciating the moment, being kinder to people and nature, eating healthily, dedicating my life to the service of our Creator and helping others etc.. I have focused less time and attention on my looks and more on my soul, and I am so much happier for it! I don’t care whether people think I’m pretty or ugly, or symmetrical or whatever. I don’t fear people’s judgments on my looks anymore, because I have realised that their judgments cannot change who I am. I kind of just want to have a lovely spirit that people are drawn to 🙂

The most important thing I can say right now to everyone is to really love yourself no matter what, and focus on beautifying your soul and I swear people don’t notice your outer appearance…though I know this can be difficult when you don’t feel confident. So try these exercises, but if they fail, then please do NOT opt for surgery, and instead become the most beautiful soul you could possibly be….do what you love doing, ground yourself in what makes you happy and watch people become mesmerised by your positivity and radiance! I promise, it works.

Much love and peace and happiness, forever

Ella xxx

6 Responses to “Apologies! Update March 2014”

  1. Rayn June 25, 2013 at 8:24 pm #


    You gave me some hope man! Thanks a lot for this blog, can I ask you some questions? I chew and sleep on my right side and that side is the side which is lower than the other. I also have droopy eyes on that side. My left is very lifted and good-looking compared to the right. Should I start chewing on left side and sleep on left side?

    • Fact is Stranger than Fiction March 19, 2014 at 2:19 am #

      Hi Rayn

      I’m so glad to have offered you some hope! Your problem sound like it could be fixed. Don’t worry so much about chewing or sleeping, as my main advice is to smile more widely on the right side of your face, so that the side of your right eye creases. Do this often enough and you should see results, and it should become second nature to smile more symmetrically. Also, experiment in the mirror with other facial movements and expressions even if you feel weird doing them. Whichever ones offer temporary relief should offer permanent relief if you do them often enough.

      Please keep me updated

  2. S September 8, 2013 at 6:54 am #

    Hi there! So glad to have found this website! I used to have perfectly symmetrical face when I was 16. I knew that because my friend used the photobooth mirror flip effect and took a photo of me and it was exactly how I look without the mirror effect.

    But fast forward 10 years, the left side of my face is fatter, and my left eye is droopy. After reading your blog, I realized that I chew on my right side most of the time, I smile wider on my right side and my left eyebrow is definitely higher than my right eyebrow. I think it could have happened after I removed my braces and did not continue use of a retainer, my jawline could have shifted and resulted in me chewing on one side more often because it was easier.

    I also know that my eyes are not focused at the same point as I have short-sightedness on my right eye and long-sighted ness on my left eye. I have had this condition since my teenage years, and they have always evened each other out, so I don’t think that could be the reason for my face asymmetry.

    I also wanted to ask, when you mention the exercise of squinting your eye, is it like winking on one side? I tried it and it seems easiest for me, kind of like contracting all the muscles on one side of the face.

    Thank you for putting this online, and helping many others! And thank GOD for bringing me to this website! Bless you!

    (It would be great if there are before and after photos!)

    • Fact is Stranger than Fiction March 19, 2014 at 2:02 am #

      Hi S

      Thank you for your comment I will do my best to help!

      If you used to have a symmetrical face then there is hope for you! What I have found to be the best thing is smiling more widely on the droopier lazier side of the face (i.e. until the side of that eye creases…basically a sincere smile). Even smile widely on that side of the face when no one is looking to keep it in line. Also, to deal with puffiness, chew more on the puffy side but also switch from table salt to rock or sea salt (if you haven’t already) as this should release any water retention.

      Experiment in the mirror with different techniques, no matter how weird they seem, and see which ones offer temporary relief as these, when practised often enough, should offer permanent relief!

      Please keep me updated, and ask any more questions, I am delighted to help

  3. rhea November 27, 2013 at 5:00 pm #

    Hey! Im SO relieved to find this blog cuz ive been looking for a solution for ages to my sagging right side of the face.. thanks a lot! Although i really like to know what i should do for my lips.. the right side droops when i smile.. it looks extremely ugly and im very uncomfortable while taking pictures so i always pose facing my left side to the camera! Heeeelp mee (email) 😦 Please keep updating!

    • Fact is Stranger than Fiction March 19, 2014 at 1:22 am #

      Hi Rhea

      I’m sorry to hear about your pain 😦 Firstly I would tell you that I’ve realised we all look more asymmetrical in photos and the mirror hence we notice our flaws more than other people do. Secondly, I’m not exactly sure how to remedy your issue as I haven’t been through it myself nor do I have much experience of seeing others with it. What I would suggest is if one side of your face is sagging more than the other, then use that side more, especially smiling more widely on that side. I also suggest you do what I did which was to experiment with different facial movements and expressions (no matter how weird!) and seeing which ones give temporary relief, as these done often enough will hopefully lead to permanent relief…keep persevering, and keep me updated xx

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